plasma, panels, colours

Chani chanika at
Sat Nov 8 04:10:03 CET 2008

>  namely that not having any distinction between the background and the
>  foreground makes it all background.
>  if you can, imagine how much better it would look if there was some contrast
>  in hue such that each component can be clearly seen instead of one big muddle.
>  right now i'm sitting in a room where the sun in coming through the windows
>  and i honestly can't see very well half the dividing areas on the panel, e.g.
>  the systray, the pager, the tasks.

i still have never seen these dividing areas you talk about :) it's
all one black on my monitor. and i get confused when you say
"foreground" - until yesterday i thought that meant the text colour :P
  ...but sicne i'm completely not involved in theme stuff i suppose
that's not important right now

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