kickoff regressions

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Sun Aug 31 19:06:01 CEST 2008

After the restyling of kickoff some weeks ago, we've got two regressions left:

- going back in categories doesn't take the left screen edge into account,   
  breaking Fitt's Law (it does get highlighted, but clicks don't seem to make 

- you cannot resize kickoff anymore

Davide, you've been working on the kickoff changes, leaving those regressions. 
Is that still work in progress or do we need to look into fixing those?

But I need to show of my amateurish painting skills as well! I think it would 
look much nicer if the kickoff PanelSvg didn't have the border towards the 
panel and the screen's edge. This would make the hitarea on the left hand side 
easier to find, and also make it clearer that the menu actually comes out of 
the panel. Right now it looks disconnected and positioned "somewhat close" to 
its trigger (the kickoff button). I've sketched this in illustration (1).

An alternative would be to just have it grow out of the panel (as seen in 
illustration 2).

Otherwise, I think the newer styling is a huge improvement (of one of the 
things I've been complaining about during Tokamak already), so thanks Davide 
for taking it on.

sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 

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