kickoff regressions

Marco Martin notmart at
Sun Aug 31 19:26:40 CEST 2008

On Sunday 31 August 2008, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> After the restyling of kickoff some weeks ago, we've got two regressions
> left:
> - going back in categories doesn't take the left screen edge into account,
>   breaking Fitt's Law (it does get highlighted, but clicks don't seem to
> make
> - you cannot resize kickoff anymore
just to sum up i'll add some other:
-when clicking on an item the menu should reset: go in favourites, clear 
search if it was one and go in the root item of the all applications tab
-right mouse click on items seems to sometimes work but usually not
-tab geometry should change when the panel is on top or at right of the screen

or at least this was the behaviour it had before

Marco Martin

> Davide, you've been working on the kickoff changes, leaving those
> regressions. Is that still work in progress or do we need to look into
> fixing those?
> But I need to show of my amateurish painting skills as well! I think it
> would look much nicer if the kickoff PanelSvg didn't have the border
> towards the panel and the screen's edge. This would make the hitarea on the
> left hand side easier to find, and also make it clearer that the menu
> actually comes out of the panel. Right now it looks disconnected and
> positioned "somewhat close" to its trigger (the kickoff button). I've
> sketched this in illustration (1).
> An alternative would be to just have it grow out of the panel (as seen in
> illustration 2).
> Otherwise, I think the newer styling is a huge improvement (of one of the
> things I've been complaining about during Tokamak already), so thanks
> Davide for taking it on.
> Cheers,

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