Some general issues with Phonon...

Ian Monroe ian at
Fri Apr 18 21:18:19 CEST 2008

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 2:04 PM, Tanguy Krotoff <tkrotoff at> wrote:
> >  If you're going to use the Phonon out of KDE why not use KDE (if only
>  >  for development purposes)? KDE is on Windows.
>  >  Sounds like you're just asking for trouble trying to use KDE's Phonon
>  >  without KDE.
>  Phonon is already included with Qt-4.4. Compiling latest Phonon svn
>  without KDE is not a big deal, just a few modifications.
>  Did you try to compile KDE on Windows? 5h later you have 5GB taken +
>  all the bugs :p
>  If Phonon only depends on Qt, it takes almost no time:
>  - install Visual Studio tools or MinGW (like every Windows devs)
>  - install Qt
>  - install CMake
>  - compile latest Phonon
>  - then you start coding and you have more time for this

Heh why did this become a discussion of KDE on Windows? I'm just
saying if you want to use Phonon from KDE SVN for development, it
makes since to use KDE for development. There's not /that/ much
different between Qt's Phonon and KDE's phonon. Just use Qt's if you
find installing KDE on Windows so offensive.

And no I'm not interested in gaining mad-marketshare for Dragon Player
by releasing a Qt-version. I developed it as a video player for the
KDE platform. It needs Solid for important functionality anyways.


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