Creative direction of plasma

pinheiro nuno at
Thu May 29 12:02:04 CEST 2008

A Thursday 29 May 2008 09:05:53, Aaron J. Seigo escreveu:
> On Tuesday 27 May 2008, pinheiro wrote:
> >
> interesting stuff =)
> without getting into fidly implementation details (e.g. the 'x' close
> button at the bottom i assume is the collapse button? if so, it should
> probably not be an 'x'...), there's some interesting stuff to discuss here:

yes exactly x is not the best visual element, i was thinking that after a 
colapsed mode was degined we could get back to it since we ould know how it 
would become...
> * the top panel area with the control icons
> i've often considered how to let applets show little "toolbars" like this
> in a standard way. perhaps we could extend the window decorations (once
> they are in svn) to allow applets to register actions that show up in a
> specific area (such as in the mockup)
> * the tools provided
> in this case, less is more; do we need the magnifier? are two buttons for
> listing modes needed or wanted? i wonder if one toggling icon (betwee list
> and icons) would be Good Enough(tm)
yeah it was a rough frist version, visuay wise 3 is beter than 2 but we should 
decide wich 3 depending on each case and one of those 3 can be a logo icon or 
somthing else.... the problem is that to look like a tool bar, somthing a 
user will recognize. its needs a minimum number of items, so yeah we can work 
on those alot. 
> * modes
> the image mode really strikes me as what the image frame applet should do?
> * folder name: we really ought to have the name of the folder somewhere for
> the user to be able to see where it is they looking at?
ups! yeah, yeah, yeah, completly. /me stupid 
> p.s. thanks for including windows, panel and other applet in your mockup.
> that kind of visual overview is sooo important.


core oxygen icon designer

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