feature plan and changelog

Richard Moore richmoore44 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 01:31:28 CET 2008

On 3/27/08, Sebastian Kuegler <sebas at kde.org> wrote:
> - Feature plan [1]
> I can help a bit with filling in those things, but it'd be really nice to have
> people actually *care* about this kind of basic project management. Let's use
> this thread to enumerate goals for 4.1 that can be put into the feature plan.
> Finished ones, as well as TODO and WIP items.

Currently I'm looking at a massive improvement of the scripting
support for QtScript. The state in 4.0 was that we had a minimal set
of bindings that were little more than a proof of concept. Today we
have building but not yet tested support for the full libplasma api,
the aim is that this should be in place for 4.1. The knock on effects
of changes here are pretty much zero, so I don't think changes here
will cause problems for anyone else.

There remain some questions in terms of how this should be packaged
(for example should we be shipping bindings to the core Qt classes so
we can do config dialogs etc.).



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