Plasma + ZUI + virtual desktops

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sun Jun 8 23:14:59 CEST 2008

On Sunday 08 June 2008, Matija Šuklje wrote:
> I know Plasma is being redesigned for 4.2 and that not all features are

well, not redesigned. we're just finishing out the current set of designs, 
really =)

> implemented yet and this is exactly why I write here — to beat the iron
> while it's still hot.


> I heavily make use of virtual desktops and order them by tasks (and I'm
> pretty sure I'm not the only one).

no, you're not. but there are people who work differently than that as well: 
they use the desktops to scatter windows associated with a specific task.

> I know a similar feat is being done by
> the Plasma ZUI and its groups of Plasmoids and I can barely wait to use
> that!

this essentially works in 4.1...

> But what I'm hope won't go away is to be able to tell a Plasmoid
> (like SuperKaramba themes in 3.x) that it should reside only on one
> desktop.

not individual plasmoids, no. that would require all sorts of rather nasty 
hacks. in 4.2 we'll be allowing you to associate an activity (aka "group of 
plasmoids") with a given virtual desktop, however.

note that this will mean greater memory consumption (for obvious reasons) but 
hopefully not that much more.

> User case:
> * desktop 1: always running several sessions of Konsole (+ admin Plasmoids)
> * desktop 2: net browsing
> * desktop 4 and 5: for other use (and various Plasmoids depending on
> current usage)
> * desktop 3: PIM (Kontact and some related Plasmoids)
> * desktop 6: Amarok (+ maybe some related Plasmoids)

right, so you'd assign different activities to each desktop in your case (well, 
except for 4 and 5 which might share one?)

> The ZUI and the Plasmoid groups are a great idea ...but I'd also like to be
> still able to either link a specific group to a specific desktop or even to
> have the ZUI take into account that not all Plasmoid (groups) are sticky. I

yep. that's on the plate for 4.2. this also helps us solve a really difficult 
problem with compositing window managers that show multiple desktops at once 
(desktop grid, desktop cube) that currently no other desktop shell handles 

> don't think these two approaches (ZUI vs. virtual desktops) are necessarily
> cancling each other out.


> P.S. I'm new on this mailing list and I hope I haven't broken any internal
> netiquette with this e-mail.

no. but if you feel guilty anyways, you can always make up for it with a patch 

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech

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