making kickoff have full-width selection rects (on hover)

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Wed Feb 27 13:32:31 CET 2008

On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Marco Martin <notmart at> wrote:

> On Wednesday 27 February 2008, Riccardo Iaconelli wrote:
> > hello,
> > aseigo and celeste and I had a quick discussion on irc about what is
> > written in the
> > subject.
> > my main argument is that it looks much better and more visually
> consistent,
> > while, to quote what celeste said:
> hmm, maybe the entire line selected looks a little bit busy, maybe i would
> include the icon in the selection and is it possible to make the selected
> area of every item with the same width that is not 100%?
> maybe making 100% large only the selection of categories to say they're a
> different thing from other items

I'd make a rect full width excluding the icon, so just expanding to right
the current shown rect

Btw, this quote is from aaron on this topic, in a message to the ML:

>* this is problematic for other reasons. we've been through that on this
*>* list now a few times. short story: clashes with icon colours (tight spaces
*>* make this suck even more), it doesn't direct the eyes to the meaningful
*>* content, it really clashes with the status bars on the computer tab.*

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