[Panel-devel] to-do list

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu Dec 20 16:30:26 CET 2007

On Thursday 20 December 2007, Chani wrote:
> the welcome plasmoid: what exactly is it supposed to do, anyways? it sure

off quick access to a few starting points including: documentation, the online 
community, kde tips, configuration, etc.. each button should show a little 
help text when clicked along with some links/buttons that the user can click 
on to go somewhere.

it also needs to eventually have an area on it that allows one to enter or 
create an openid account.


> apparently the krunner ui needs attention, but I don't know anything about
> that; maybe someone else can explain.

the most pressing issues are that the icon list needs to be turned into a 
horizontal scrolling procession; the options area needs to be cleaned up (it 
doesn't resize the window properly afterwards, it needs a nice background)

> somehow I had the impression that we already had a plasmoid that would show
> a folder's contents.

not yet =)

> zooming out isn't much use to me when I have only one desktop containment.
> it'd be nice to be able to add them and switch between them.

yes, some un-zoomed UI (easy to do with QGV: just set it to ignore 
transformations) needs to appear when zoomed out to provide access to such 

> the corona still needs a way to change the default set of applets (the
> stuff loaded when there is no .kde config) without changing the code.

this should be an easy one. we already support loading applets from a random 
config file with loadApplets. what needs to be done, then is:

provide a way to define a default config to be read in at start up. this could 
be as easy as looking for a particularly named file, e.g. 
plasma-appletsrc-defaults or as "tricksy" (though not much more so) as having 
this kept in a global config file (e.g. [General] group, key 
DefaultAppletConfig) ... 

this needs to be done in the application and not libplasma as this will be 
specific to the application. add a Corona::setConfigFile would also be handy, 
as loadApplets sets the config file name, which wouldn't be desirable in this 

> speaking of default applets, should the pager be on the panel by default
> now? 


> ...I'm going to stop now before this becomes an endless personal wishlist.
> please, help me turn this into a nice practical list of things that need
> attention. I'm not so good at setting priorities. :)

we have the Tasks page on the wiki. it could use some tending as well as 
having these items added to it and prioritized.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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