[Panel-devel] to-do list

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 17:29:55 CET 2007

> > zooming out isn't much use to me when I have only one desktop
> > containment. it'd be nice to be able to add them and switch between them.
> yes, some un-zoomed UI (easy to do with QGV: just set it to ignore
> transformations) needs to appear when zoomed out to provide access to such
> things.

well, shouldn't the corner toolbox stay put? maybe we can toss something in 
there. ...but then how do we choose which one to zoom into, I wonder...

> we have the Tasks page on the wiki. it could use some tending as well as
> having these items added to it and prioritized.

k. I can add these items tomorrow. :) someone else'll have to prioritize them

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