[Panel-devel] Solid-notifier and network-monitor

Sven Burmeister sven.burmeister at gmx.net
Tue Dec 4 09:08:06 CET 2007


Since I could not get hold of the two devs on IRC, I'llpost my questions here.

- I think it was very nice that one had a list of plugged-devices without any 
extra clicks, i.e. not just the icon. Of course this does not work for panel, 
but since the plamoid knows whether it is on the desktop or in the panel it 
could adapt to it and not only show the icon one has to click on, but 
straight away the list of plugged devices.
- Although it is just a notifier, what about users attaching USB-sticks before 
KDE is up and ready? Would it make sense to show devices that have been 
plugged before the plasmoid starts?

- The mouse-wheel feature is very well hidden, so would it make sense to put a 
detail-setting into the plasmoid's settings?

- I do not see the use case for the lowest detail layout as it currently 
works. I think that it would be useful to only display the icon and indicate 
the established connection by colour and grey it out if there is no 


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