[Panel-devel] KDE4

Zack Rusin zack at kde.org
Tue Jun 21 21:03:21 CEST 2005

On Tuesday 21 June 2005 20:23, Matt Broadstone wrote:
<snip a lot of misconceptions>

You both seem to be rather confused and unfortunately I'm rather busy 
right now so I can't be writing long emails. I'd like to suggest that 
anyone who's a little confused about graphics with Qt4/X11 come to 
#plasma-devel during weekend. I'll be there all weekend trying to 
answer all possible question. As to the graphics framework of plasma 
just please let me do it. We can discuss it once we're all on the same 
page with regards to what is and what isn't possible with Qt 4 and 
X.Org as of now. So like I said, I'll be on #plasma-devel during the 
weekend, if you would like to discuss anything graphics related just 
come on irc and talk to me :)


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