[Owncloud] Mac OS X synchronisation pb when files/folders names with ":" in name

Pierre Malard plm at teledetection.fr
Thu Mar 21 08:31:19 UTC 2013

Le 21 mars 2013 à 09:16, Pierre Malard <plm at teledetection.fr> a écrit :
> This problem is real with Mac OS X synchronization. I don't know if it's the same thing with other OS.
> On Mac OS X, when a folder/file name contain a "/" (slash) the character is translate by a ":" by the system. "/" is the directory separator on *nix as you know.
> This is the problem with Mac OS X synchronization. None of files which originaly contain a "/" (":" in real) can be synchronize after. If I rename this file (pe: replace ":" by a "-"), I have on file on my Mac, the good one (with a "-"). But their is 2 files on onwCloud repository: the old one and the new one.
> When I'm using an other Mac or my pad connected, the synchronization comportment is strange. One time I don't see the new file, one time I see both of them, …
> Whith the original one their is also problems to rename folders concerned. If I modify the name, the folder and its content is not synchronized! The only way to have a synchronization is to create a new folder with orther name and tranfert file on new folder...
> After these manipulation on my Mac I must erase old files/folders directly with web interface...
> It's very hard and can trouble users.

Just a precison...

If I reverse method (modifying file name directly on web interface) the symptom is also reversed. I have one file on owncloud repository and 2 file on my Mac after synchronization...

Pierre Malard

   «Le courage, c'est de chercher la vérité et de la dire, 
    c'est de ne pas subir la loi du mensonge triomphant qui passe 
    et de ne pas faire écho de notre âme, de notre bouche et de nos mains 
    aux applaudissements imbéciles et aux huées fanatiques.»
                              Jean Jaures - "Discours de jeunesse" - 1903
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