[Owncloud] Mac OS X synchronisation pb when files/folders names with ":" in name

Pierre Malard plm at teledetection.fr
Thu Mar 21 08:16:34 UTC 2013


This problem is real with Mac OS X synchronization. I don't know if it's the same thing with other OS.
On Mac OS X, when a folder/file name contain a "/" (slash) the character is translate by a ":" by the system. "/" is the directory separator on *nix as you know.

This is the problem with Mac OS X synchronization. None of files which originaly contain a "/" (":" in real) can be synchronize after. If I rename this file (pe: replace ":" by a "-"), I have on file on my Mac, the good one (with a "-"). But their is 2 files on onwCloud repository: the old one and the new one.

When I'm using an other Mac or my pad connected, the synchronization comportment is strange. One time I don't see the new file, one time I see both of them, …

Whith the original one their is also problems to rename folders concerned. If I modify the name, the folder and its content is not synchronized! The only way to have a synchronization is to create a new folder with orther name and tranfert file on new folder...

After these manipulation on my Mac I must erase old files/folders directly with web interface...

It's very hard and can trouble users.


Pierre Malard

   «La France n'est pas schismastique, elle est révolutionnaire»
                                Jean Jaures - 1905
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