[Owncloud] Update 5.0.7 uncontrollable encryption

Nicolas Mora nicolas at babelouest.org
Tue Jun 11 03:08:47 UTC 2013

Hi guys,

Any update on my issue ? Or should I restore the backup ? :/

Thanks for your help so far.

Le 2013-06-07 22:28, Nicolas Mora a écrit :
> Le 07/06/2013 16:32, Bjoern Schiessle a écrit :
>> *.etmp gets generated during file encryption but they get removed
>> afterwards. I never saw this file in my files list. Can you check if
>> the file exists on your hard drive.
> The file doesn't exists in my hard drive, it's a ghost file in owncloud
> (and empty if I open it)
>> The initial encryption takes place only once after the first time you
>> enabled the app. To enforce another initial encryption run you have to
>> edit the owncloud database table 'oc_encryption' and set
>> 'migration_status' to '0'.
> I wouldn't test another encryption with files that are already
> encrypted, it could make a not helpful double encryption.
> Although, the content of the table is  :
> mysql> select * from oc_encryption;
> +---------+-------------+------------------+------------------+
> | uid     | mode        | recovery_enabled | migration_status |
> +---------+-------------+------------------+------------------+
> | nicolas | server-side |                0 |                1 |
> +---------+-------------+------------------+------------------+
>> For every file a encryption key should exists in
>> data/userid/files_encryption/keyfiles/. Additionally for each file at
>> least one file called filename.userid.shareKey should exist in
>> data/userid/files_encryption/share-keys.
> There are .key files and .shareKey files in the proper folders
>> Can you please check if this files exists, especially for the files
>> which doesn't get decrypted?
> The files you mention are present, is there some other things to check ?
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