[Owncloud] Is it possible to open and write to places at the same time? No??

Karl-Arne Gjersøyen karlarneg at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 13:19:00 UTC 2012

Hello again.
I have 4 different storerooms. And about 15 drivers with their own truck.
Every driver have its own laptop with own cloud. When they take stuff
from the storage room they register it in a excel sheet. But the
problem is: Only the latest excel data is registered.

Say that driver 012 take a 2 pallet form storeroom 1 and bring it to
storeroom 3. But at the same time driver 003 take 1 pallet from
storeroom 3 and bring it to storeroom 4. THen only the latest
registred data is synchronized. As you understand. They all share the
same document.

Is it possible to do as every open document can be synchronized
wherever it is opened? today the latest saved document overwrite the
older one and data is lost.

Thanks for your help to explain how I can fix this error if possible.


Hjemmeside: http://www.karl-arne.name/

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