[Owncloud] First tests on V4.0beta

Alain Bourgeois alain.bourgeois10 at gmail.com
Tue May 8 13:10:06 UTC 2012

Here are my first tests with a clean install on personal server WD Live and use of sqlite :

General comment : seems much slower then prior version.

Remarks and bugs (first impression) 
- music don't play anymore on background
- photos : rescan doesn't work : photos and folder disappear and don’t reappear
- contacts : 
    .'New Contact' considered as a real contact
    . change name : not updated on the left list
- calendar :
Undefined index: eventid in .../apps/calendar/templates/share.dropdown.php in line 6,7,75

Questions :
- what is app ‘external storage support’ for ?

Improvement :
- in music : settings like in photos to allow choosing scaning root

How would you like report on bug be done ?
Separate mail by app ?
At this stage buggenie doen’t seem very practical : one report per bug


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