[Owncloud] Fwd: Personal Storage Message Question

Robin Appelman icewind at owncloud.com
Tue Aug 21 01:13:01 UTC 2012

On Monday 20 August 2012 20:52:27 Michael Gapczynski wrote:
> Unless you have a quota set in Settings -> Users, 43.4 GB is what ownCloud
> believes is the free disk space.
> Is the data directory on a separate partition from the rest of your disk
> storage?
> To make sure it isn't ownCloud related, you can create a PHP file with:
> <?php
> $bytes = disk_free_space("/");
> $si_prefix = array( 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB' );
> $base = 1024;
> $class = min((int)log($bytes , $base) , count($si_prefix) - 1);
> echo $bytes . '<br />';
> echo sprintf('%1.2f' , $bytes / pow($base,$class)) . ' ' .
> $si_prefix[$class] . '<br />';
> ?>
> ^ From disk_free_space() comment on php.net
> Michael
> On Monday, August 20, 2012 11:08:25 AM Ken.Neiser wrote:
> > When log in to my owncloud ID and go to Settings => Personal, there is a
> > message about storage at the top of the page. "You use 3 GB of the
> > available 43.4 GB" What does the 43.4 GB mean? My server has nearly 1 TB
> > of disk storage. Is this a quota? Or is each user allocation a
> > percentage of disk storage? Can this value be increased or decreased? I
> > tried changing the user ID quota and it did not change the value. I
> > can't seem to find any explanation for this message.
> > 
> > Ken Neiser Story Plain, AB Canada

Also note, that any storage used outside owncloud will decrease the number 
show, it shows what is currently available for ownCloud, if you have a 1TB 
drive and 960GB data on that outside owncloud, owncloud will have 40GB 
available. In the same way, files of other owncloud users wil decrease the 

The number is calculated by adding the size of all owncloud files to the free 
space of the partition.

 - Robin Appelman

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