[Owncloud] Re: A few questions about owncloud architecture

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Wed May 4 12:04:38 UTC 2011

On Monday 02 May 2011 21:54:31 Antonio José Gallo Sánchez wrote:
> We wrote the file manager using vaadin <http://www.vaadin.com>, so it was
> pretty easy since it's coded in java. I don't know very much about PHP, but
> I think it's, at least, less readable.
>  For the versioning, we thought on using git (but a java-git binding was
> never done, like the versioning interface on  the file manager), but I've
> seen that you are thinking on coding a whole new protocol for the syncing
> job. Why don't use git instead?

It's not really a new protocol. SyncML is a standard, and, besides the other 
libraries, there is a pretty good piece of software (AGPLv3) written in Java 
that can act as a server: Funambol. Using git would be awesome for versioning 
but it is pretty inefficient when you want to store lots (as in >500MB) of 
binary data.

One of the main challenges for implementing syncing features into ownCloud is 
to find a good enough solution to act as a server for synchronization. I would 
very much value your experience in Java software to see if we can successfully 
integrate and distribute the GPL funambol server with ownCloud and its 
internal storage, or see how we can make the two co-exist, eventually falling 
back (where java is not available) on a PHP solution. Let me know if you're 
interested! :)

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