[Owncloud] Re: A few questions about owncloud architecture

Antonio José Gallo Sánchez antoniojgallo at gmail.com
Wed May 4 13:34:43 UTC 2011

It sounds interesting to me!

Then, I think it's time to apply for the KDE season. I finish my university
exams at the end of June, so until then I couldn't spend much time on the
project. But from the beginning of July, I could work almost full time on
it. If you are still interested in being my mentor, let me know.

Looking for hearing from you soon!!

Best regards

2011/5/4 Riccardo Iaconelli <riccardo at kde.org>

> On Monday 02 May 2011 21:54:31 Antonio José Gallo Sánchez wrote:
> > We wrote the file manager using vaadin <http://www.vaadin.com>, so it
> was
> > pretty easy since it's coded in java. I don't know very much about PHP,
> but
> > I think it's, at least, less readable.
> >
> >  For the versioning, we thought on using git (but a java-git binding was
> > never done, like the versioning interface on  the file manager), but I've
> > seen that you are thinking on coding a whole new protocol for the syncing
> > job. Why don't use git instead?
> It's not really a new protocol. SyncML is a standard, and, besides the
> other
> libraries, there is a pretty good piece of software (AGPLv3) written in
> Java
> that can act as a server: Funambol. Using git would be awesome for
> versioning
> but it is pretty inefficient when you want to store lots (as in >500MB) of
> binary data.
> One of the main challenges for implementing syncing features into ownCloud
> is
> to find a good enough solution to act as a server for synchronization. I
> would
> very much value your experience in Java software to see if we can
> successfully
> integrate and distribute the GPL funambol server with ownCloud and its
> internal storage, or see how we can make the two co-exist, eventually
> falling
> back (where java is not available) on a PHP solution. Let me know if you're
> interested! :)
> Bye,
> -Riccardo

Antonio J. Gallo
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