Okular font selection

A. Wik awik32 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 16:15:57 GMT 2023

Hi all,

It seems I may have come across a bug in Okular, with regard to font
selection.  Here is a screenshot:

As you can see from the picture, one of the CourierNew fonts gets
substituted with
NimbusMonoPS, and one of the TimesNewRoman fonts does not get mapped
to Times New Roman but to Times Roman.  Meanwhile, there is no problem
with Garamond.

I've tried to debug this with fc-match, but everthing seems correct
according to it:
aw at aw-thinkpad:~$ fc-match 'CourierNew'
cour.ttf: "Courier New" "Regular"
aw at aw-thinkpad:~$ fc-match 'TimesNewRoman'
times.ttf: "Times New Roman" "Regular"

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Albert Wik.

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