Okular font selection

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Mon Nov 20 23:09:32 GMT 2023

El divendres, 10 de novembre de 2023, a les 17:15:57 (CET), A. Wik va 
> Hi all,
> It seems I may have come across a bug in Okular, with regard to font
> selection.  Here is a screenshot:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/178nuOFvWiBOoqmSIs7spAqDrGt2YHAqQ/view?usp=s
> haring
> As you can see from the picture, one of the CourierNew fonts gets
> substituted with
> NimbusMonoPS, and one of the TimesNewRoman fonts does not get mapped
> to Times New Roman but to Times Roman.  Meanwhile, there is no problem
> with Garamond.
> I've tried to debug this with fc-match, but everthing seems correct
> according to it:
> aw at aw-thinkpad:~$ fc-match 'CourierNew'
> cour.ttf: "Courier New" "Regular"
> aw at aw-thinkpad:~$ fc-match 'TimesNewRoman'
> times.ttf: "Times New Roman" "Regular"
> Can anyone shed some light on this?

You had to go and open a bug and now there's two places to talk about this.

Don't do that.


> Regards,
> Albert Wik.

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