[okular] [Bug 455704] Wishlist: add command line options to force file opening in tab or in new window

Sergio bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Fri Nov 10 14:58:08 GMT 2023


--- Comment #2 from Sergio <sergio.callegari at gmail.com> ---
Late answer to the questions:

> 1. How should new-window behave with multiple files? 
> open all files in the new instance and one tab per file in case "use-tabs" is enabled?
> (if use-tabs is disabled, okular will use multiple instances/windows anyway) or should it open
> one window per file?
> I suggest to call the option "new-instance" and then open all files in tabs.
> If "use-tabs" is disabled then "new-instance" will have no effect.

100% in agreement. `--new-instance` is a better name and all files passed on
that command line should open in tabs of the new instance.

> 2. If the users want to use tab, they can enable them. Thus, I see no real use in "--new-tab".

In fact, you are right.

>  3. Instead of "--new-tab", I would prefer something like "--target <okular-dbus-name>" .
> That flag would open all files in new tabs of the specified instance.

Nice idea

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