
Eva Brucherseifer eva at
Mon Apr 28 23:22:08 CEST 2003

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Hi Jirka,

On Monday 28 April 2003 14:38, kosicek at wrote:
> Hi Eva,
> Quoting Eva Brucherseifer <eva at>:
> > Webregistration sounds good... What kind of system can you setup?
> > For our European participants we need to coordinate travel somehow (for
> > hiring
> > busses, getting group tickets etc.). Therefore we have the problem, that
> > people will need to sign on for e.g. a bus, but we don't know yet which
> > busses are cost-effective. So either we need to have some kind of
> > preregistration to estimate who needs when to travel or we let people
> > change
> >
> > their registration once the travel times of the busses are fixed.
> > What do you and the others think about that?
> There is no problem to install a net-registration. We have a prepared front
> end that we use for conferences. We can adapt this frontend for your
> purposes and place it on our web-sites ( We just need to
> know, which information exactly you want to collect (Name, Surname,
> Birthdate, Title of Poster or whatever)

That is great. I'll provide a list later this week.

> > The next question I have is, who will assign the rooms/meals. Will you
> > take care of that also? Do you have any information about prices?
> >
> > Thank you for your willingness to support us,
> > eva
> We can handle the rooms/meals. Infact we have blocked already for your
> event the capacities of our castle and the monastry 200m away. The actual
> prices are: Accomodation 150Kc/person/day (5Euro) in the castle,
> 250Kc/person/day (8,40Euro) in the Monastry. The food is for full pension
> (Breakfast, Lunch with coffee and cake afterwards, Dinner) 180 Kc/day
> (6Euro)
> Additionaly there are a couple of nice/better Appartments in the castle,
> that we normaly use for "higher" guest. On conferences these are often used
> for invited speakers etc., there the price ranges between
> 300-500Kc/person/day (10- 17Euro). Also there is a couple of pensions and
> hotels in the town, prices rank around 10 Euro/night.

This are pretty fair prices!

> Please let me know, if you want to couple the accomodation directly with
> the registration for the conference, or if we shall prepare an extra
> registration site (probably not everybody will stay the complete week, but
> only for the congress days).

I think, we don't have to split this. We can ask for the arrival and the 
departure day as well as which events they want to take part in. 

> What about the social program, do you want some trip to Krumlov or the
> Budweiser Brewery? Let me know in time.

This sounds like a good idea for the week after the conference. The conference 
itself is rather short, so maybe we should not interrupt it. How long does a 
visit to Budweiser or Krumlov take? (And what is Krumlov?)

Besides this I'd like to suggest a social event for saturday evening (during 
the conference). Maybe some more special dinner, or barbecue if the wether is 
fine... do you think you can arrange something like that?


> Greetings
> Jirka
> -----------------------------------------
> Academic and University Center Nove Hrady
> Zamek 136 ; CZ-37333 ; Nove Hrady ; CZ
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