KDE Neon / Freecad

Pyroman retratserif at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 12:30:48 BST 2020

It's old problem, Neon breaks some Qt apps. In 18.04 it's not possible 
to install at least Anki, Calibre, Telegram-Desktop, MuseScore.

In 16.04 it was not possible to install Sqlite-Browser, for example. 
Also some users reported that QtCreator was broken too.

The solution could be if Neon and all it's dependencies was built in 
it's own separate directory like /opt/neon without replacing dist libs.

24.10.2020 11:48, Bernhard Schiffner wrote:
> Hi all,
> simply put: I want to use Freecad. But I can't do this under KDE Neon.
> Freecad makes use of Qt and Qt-Python bindings and is packaged in Ubuntu 20.04 against their stuff which collides with Neon.
> So you have to built it from sources. But this is not easy or even impossible (for me) at the moment.
> IIUC you have to do new / redo
> - libqt5scxml5
> - python2 (because of the qt parts)
> - (not yet known other software)
> - freecad itself
> I'am not experienced in packaging etc. so this task is (a little bit) beyond my limits esp. to figure out to make "decent" versions of this stuff.
> I think that Neon compatible Qt-Python bindings have a value of their own.
> I consider this a problem not only for myself.
> The question:
> Is there someone out there to ask for advise/support?
> What would be a good communication channel?
> Greetings and thanks in advance!
> Bernhard

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