KDE Neon / Freecad

Bernhard Schiffner bernhard.schiffner at gmx.net
Sat Oct 24 09:48:34 BST 2020

Hi all,

simply put: I want to use Freecad. But I can't do this under KDE Neon.

Freecad makes use of Qt and Qt-Python bindings and is packaged in Ubuntu 20.04 against their stuff which collides with Neon.
So you have to built it from sources. But this is not easy or even impossible (for me) at the moment.

IIUC you have to do new / redo
- libqt5scxml5
- python2 (because of the qt parts)
- (not yet known other software)
- freecad itself

I'am not experienced in packaging etc. so this task is (a little bit) beyond my limits esp. to figure out to make "decent" versions of this stuff.
I think that Neon compatible Qt-Python bindings have a value of their own.
I consider this a problem not only for myself.

The question:
Is there someone out there to ask for advise/support?
What would be a good communication channel?

Greetings and thanks in advance!

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