Ministro 9.6.8 Invalid Qt version - Qt 4.8.2

BogDan Vatra taipanromania at
Thu Jan 23 07:00:53 UTC 2014

Hello folks,

I apologize for the slow reply.

Regarding the use of Necessitas on Galaxy Tab 3, well, I'm afraid I
don't have good news for you, because is not that easy as it sounds.
Let me explain why:
 - First and foremost, I really don't believe that emulated Qt libs
will perform ok on that device. Qt does a lot of CPU computation and
IMHO your application will run very very slow, probably close to
 - The application sends to Ministro a list with all needed modules,
but it doesn't specify the architecture. Ministro downloads the best
libs for that device! E.g. if your application is compiled only for
armv5 and the device has an armv7 CPU, Ministro downloads the armv7
libs, and your application still runs ok because they are ABI
compatible. Actually in this case your application will run faster
because it uses faster libs (armv7 libs are compiled with VFP and
AFAIK they also have some faster instructions).
 - Ministro doesn't know if it used by Necessitas SDK (Qt 4.x) or by
Qt-Project SDK (Qt 5.x) and I don't want to download arm Qt 5 libs on
such devices.

I see only two feasible solutions for you:
 - manually unlist that device (all x86 devices) for your application.
 - create a x86 Necessitas SDK and upload it to Ministro repos. For
sure is not an easy job, it needs a lot of time for developing and
testing! Sadly I don't have that time to do it, all my Qt/free time is
spent for Qt 5. Necessitas SDK didn't had x86 support from the start
because Android x86 devices were (I think they still are) very
uncommon comparing with arm devices.


2014/1/19 tomasl <tomaslov at>:
> Claude, that's good news :)
> I suppose you still mean Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (not S3) when it comes to
> this.
> I forwarded this suggestion to the Necessitas developer list. (see
> TomasL
> kl. 21:01:04 UTC+1 søndag 19. januar 2014 skrev larivcl følgende:
>> Tomas,
>> I think that a minor change in Ministro could allow the use of Necessitas
>> on Galaxy S3, the CPU.ABI info is x86 but CPU_ABI2 is armeabi-v7a, so it
>> could be tested if CPU_ABI isn't compatible.
>> I can't test it, I'm not really Java compatible... But BogDan could...
>> On galaxy tab 3 10.1
>> android.os.Build.CPU_ABI: x86
>> android.os.Build.CPU_ABI2: armeabi-v7a
>> Regards,
>> Claude
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