HOWTO qt app without ministro

Willy Gardiol willy at
Mon Nov 19 07:46:54 UTC 2012

The necessity to be linked to Google Play is stopping me too as i 
deploy a lot on Amazon Market.

I am sking to BogDan, would it be possible to migrate Ministro inside 
the Qt app so that the libraries can be downloaded automatically anyway? 
I mean, no need to go to the google play and install anything, make 
ministro part of each Qt app, so the user will not be confused and will 
just see the downloa bar automatically?

This would solve all the user interaction issues i guess.

The issue woul probably be where to store the downloaed libs so that 
they are available to all Qt apps...

Il 18.11.2012 22:54 Marcio Andrey Oliveira ha scritto:
> I second Mixxer and Ray Chan.
> Static link should be available for those developers that want to use
> it instead of shared library.
> Regards.
> 2012/11/18 Ray Chan < at [1]>
>> I agreed with Mixxer. 
>> First I do respect Necessitas a lot.
>> And when I try to deploy my app in the market, I found that a lot of
>> devices dont support Google Play. This means there is no way for
>> user to get qt libraries from Ministro.
>> The only way for me is to deliver a single apk which has all
>> necessary qt-libraries included.
>> Ray
> 2012年11月11日星期日UTC+8上午1时24分26秒,mixxer写道:
>>> Ok, thanks for replying. Dont mistake my argument for disrespect,
>>> I really do appreciate the hard work that everybody involved is
>>> putting into this.
>>> I would just like to clarify that I am not proposing that
>>> everybody should mod and build their own DLLs. Most of your
>>> arguments (LGPL, thing about updating and development etc) would
>>> be valid on that basis but do not really apply to my suggestion.
>>> I am only proposing an additional deployment option for necessitas
>>> DLLs - to be included in the APK as they are. The reasons are
>>> clear enough from my previous message and as far as I can see they
>>> remain valid. User experience being top of the list.
>>> In any case, I take your point about doing it myself. Ill see what
>>> I can do, but must admit this is not my area of expertise.
>>> Thanks
>  --
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Willy Gardiol
willy at -> Track YOUR way the way you want!

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