Willy Gardiol willy at gardiol.org
Tue Mar 13 21:30:45 UTC 2012

 From my point of view, the most important stuff is a seamless 
integration of Qt and Android. Having an integrated development 
environment is nice (and quite necessary indeed!) but i don't mind 
glitches in the IDE. I care more about Android look&feel, application 
resuming properly from background running, assets and files access, 
proper location and multimedia interface, proper Java intercomunication 
and so on. This is the stuff which will determine the success of 
Necessitas, because people will use it or not if thay can easily port 
their already existing apps.

I don't see anybody starting a new app for Android in Necessitas at the 
moment, just porting existing ones. This means, ideally all of Qt stuff 
and QtMobility stuff has to work, possibly better than on Symbian&MeeGo 
(for example, MeeGo dropped support for QWidget, as anybody trying to 
force portrait mode on that platform discovered).

I would be interested in working on some QtMobility stuff, like 
QtLocation&satellites, since my app that's what's needed. Just don't 
have time at the moment since i have a big major release coming up 
before summer.

While i do prefer to use necessitas under windows, because due to 
Symbian support it's my main platform, i don't really care too much and 
i could switch to Linux if needed. Again, since i think most of 
develoèpest will switch from Symbian Windows should be well taken care 
of. At the moment all my experiments on Necessitas have been with 
Windows, and i have been quite pleased. I don't care for the laest 
release of Qt Creator tough.

Il 13.03.2012 21:42 Ray Donnelly ha scritto:
> This discussion was happening on Qt Android list but this is a better
> place for it.
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-qt/browse_thread/thread/454108ac645cd62e
> Willy Gardiol asked:
>> Meanwhile, how many people are actually coding for Necessitas apart 
>> from BogoDan and few others? More should join i guess :) or i am just 
>> hoping :)
> Well there's (at a guess) about 6 people who do bits and pieces.
> BogDan will know the exact details.
> I just handle Mac and Windows builds and our own version of the ndk
> toolchains, I'd like to help out more on the Qt side but I'm 
> basically
> a novice with Qt still, plus, I've fallen behind on ndk work anyway.
> Marco Bernasocchi asked:
>> Same here... what are the aread that need most help?
> Check community.kde.org/Necessitas for the latest todo.
> On the build side of things, there's things like qbs
> (http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2012/02/15/introducing-qbs/) to investigate
> - building Qt Android for 3 variants takes a long time, qbs should
> help, and/or using something like Suse OBS to handle Mac and Windows
> builds. I've been working on making good Mac cross compilers that run
> on Linux on and off this last while and they're very nearly ready, so
> investigating getting Qt to cross compile on Liux targeting Mac is on
> my list (cross compiling for MinGW is, AFAIK already possible). 
> Having
> a continuous integration system that automatically builds packages
> when certain git repo branches are pushed to would be ideal. I think.
> There's also tasks like updating to the latest Qt Creator, we've
> fallen behind there a good bit.
> BogDan will know what the latest is with the Qt Android stuff.
> Cheers,
> Ray.
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Willy Gardiol
willy at gardiol.org
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