AW: Rewritten parser for GeoJSON files to handle styling

tackat at tackat at
Tue Sep 3 10:13:27 BST 2019

Hi John

> * Actual handling of the GeoJSON Simplestyle icon styles would be
>  nice, extended possibly to be generic for all formats: location
>  pins inspired by Google Maps, Mapbox and Leaflet.js [1] where you
>  can select a pin, a colour and size for the pin and an icon (say
>  from the Maki icon set [2]) to be inside the pin.
>  [1]
>  [2]

Sounds like a great addition.

> * Editing and saving of GeoJSON files within Marble to be on par
>  with KML?

As long as it reuses the existing code base (or improves it in a generic way) that sounds very interesting.
Editing and Saving KML (or OSM) still feels a bit cumbersome from the user's perspective, so any 
improvements on that side would also be very much welcome.

> My greatest limitation is available time!

I'm facing a similar issue since my son Matthias was born last year ;-)
Still I plan to become more active again in the Marble world ....

Best Wishes


> Yours truly,
> John Zaitseff

John Zaitseff                   ,--_|\    The ZAP Group
Telephone: +61 2 9643 7737     /      \   Sydney, Australia
Email: J.Zaitseff at   \_,--._*

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