[Marble-devel] Review Request: AltitudeModel, altitude-profile plugin, srtm2 tilecreator

Niko Sams niko.sams at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 11:40:17 UTC 2011

>  I got the feel that the word "elevation" is preferably used whenever in German we are using "Höhen..." (like the technical "Digitales Höhenmodell" which is "Digital Elevation Model (DEM)" as a technical term, or "Höhenprofil" = "Elevationprofile", etc.)
> I think that "altitude" is preferred whenever it's just "Höhe" in German.
> But that's just my gut feeling.
>  I think the reason for the comment above was just a technical one: In the initial version of this review request, there was only the code for Niko's altitude-profile plugin, but the CMakeLists tried to include the (non-existing) subdirectory elevationprofile.
> But however, to continue the discussion: :-)
> Here's another nice drawing showing the difference between elevation and altitude: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vertical_distances.svg
> So basically, the term "elevation" seems to be bound to the earth's surface, while "altitude" is not.
> KML uses altitude, because it can describe coordinates that are not bound to the earth's surface, for example the GPS track of a flying plane.
> So taking this concept into consideration, the ElevationProfile plugin would strictly speaking be an AltitudeProfile instead (once it gains the ability to work for gpx/kml track data) and the AltitudeModel would be an ElevationModel, since it only describes the surface of the earth...
> Makes sense. We should rename everything into Elevation*.

Regarding your last paragraph: in practice most use cases will deal with
elevation. So elevation is ok imho.

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