[Marble-devel] Review Request: AltitudeModel, altitude-profile plugin, srtm2 tilecreator
Konrad Enzensberger
e.konrad at mpegcode.com
Fri Sep 30 06:49:27 UTC 2011
is there a time shedule when
AltitudeModel,altitude-profile plugin, srtm2 tilecreator
will be merged to git master ?
regards, konrad
----- Original Message -----
From: Niko Sams
To: Florian Eßer
Cc: Marble ; Torsten Rahn
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Marble-devel] Review Request: AltitudeModel,altitude-profile plugin, srtm2 tilecreator
I got the feel that the word "elevation" is preferably used whenever in German we are using "Höhen..." (like the technical "Digitales Höhenmodell" which is "Digital Elevation Model (DEM)" as a technical term, or "Höhenprofil" = "Elevationprofile", etc.)
I think that "altitude" is preferred whenever it's just "Höhe" in German.
But that's just my gut feeling.I think the reason for the comment above was just a technical one: In the initial version of this review request, there was only the code for Niko's altitude-profile plugin, but the CMakeLists tried to include the (non-existing) subdirectory elevationprofile.
But however, to continue the discussion: :-)
Here's another nice drawing showing the difference between elevation and altitude: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vertical_distances.svg
So basically, the term "elevation" seems to be bound to the earth's surface, while "altitude" is not.
KML uses altitude, because it can describe coordinates that are not bound to the earth's surface, for example the GPS track of a flying plane.
So taking this concept into consideration, the ElevationProfile plugin would strictly speaking be an AltitudeProfile instead (once it gains the ability to work for gpx/kml track data) and the AltitudeModel would be an ElevationModel, since it only describes the surface of the earth...Makes sense. We should rename everything into Elevation*.
Regarding your last paragraph: in practice most use cases will deal with elevation. So elevation is ok imho.
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