[Marble-devel] Suggested Patch for Bug 232098 - JJ: Please add fast adding messurment points by ctrl+click

Thomas Lenarz tommesml at netcologne.de
Sun Sep 19 20:51:12 CEST 2010


I tried to find a solution for the JJ described in Bug 232098 recently:

I am new to marble development. I played around with the QT-Version and 
would like to propose the following change.

However, I am not sure if this change could break something around the
rubber-band code, which uses the control-key as well. Therefore I 
compare the coordinates between button-press and button-release. The 
addMeasurePoint() triggers only if the coordinates are equal.

I am not sure how to generate a patch. It would be great if anyone could 
point me to some guidelines.

Please find the patch-file attached to this mail.


File: marble/src/lib/MarbleWidgetInputHandler.cpp

             // Regarding mouse button releases:
             if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease
                  && event->button() == Qt::LeftButton )

                 if (      ( event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier )
                       &&  ( event->globalPos() == d->m_selectionOrigin 
                     d->m_addMeasurePointAction->setData( QPoint( 
event->y() ) );

                     //emit current coordinates to be be interpreted
                     //as requested
                     emit mouseClickScreenPosition( d->m_leftpressedx,
d->m_leftpressedy );


Still );
                 if ( MarbleWidgetInputHandler::d->m_widget->mapQuality( 
Still )
                      != MarbleWidgetInputHandler::d->m_widget->mapQuality(
Animation ) )

                 d->m_leftpressed = false;
-------------- next part --------------
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Name: MarbleWidgetInputHandler.cpp.diff
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