[Marble-devel] Mouse Control gone

Harshit Jain hjain.itbhu at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 00:13:04 CEST 2010


The same problem occurred to me today. On looking to marble configuration
file i found that Marble stores the last time setting of Center feature of
Sun Control Box in [Sun] section as CenterOnSun. Thus, this problem is
solvable by going to Sun Control Box and turnin off the center feature.

I suggest to do not store the CenterOnSun in configuration file as it
creates problem when we next time starts the marble.
Or we may set the value of CenterOnSun to false every time marble is closed
( If we need to save the CenterOnSun for some other reasons).

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Christophe Leske <info at multimedial.de>wrote:

> Hi,
>  @Christophe: Try by moving the marble configuration file to some other
>> location and run marble. If this approach solves the problem, kindly send
>> the marble configuration file to marble-devel list for searching bug in it.
> I looked into C:\Program Files\Marble.0.8.0
> yet there was nothing to be found in terms of a config file.
> Where would I have to look ?
> C:\User\LocalAppData didn't show anything either.
> @Thorsten:
> the rest of my system runs well, i didn't install any drivers so far. There
> have however been updates of Windows 7 lately, yet everything else just
> works fine... just not clicking and dragging in Marble.
> Thanks for the quick replies,
> --
> Christophe Leske
> multimedial.de
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Harshit Jain,
B.Tech Part III,
Computer Science and Engineering,
IT-BHU, Varanasi.
Work Email: harshit.jain.cse07 at itbhu.ac.in
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