[Marble-devel] [OSM-talk] Osm.org Routing Demo

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Sun Jul 4 10:04:03 CEST 2010

Hi Marble-dev, Nic

Nic has created a better routing service, and its planet wide.
I hope that this can be incorporated into the various platform
versions of Marble Desktop.

Also, having the CycleMap as a default map, would be a GREAT benifit.
The map is also VERY stable, and is internationally known and used
perhaps just as much as Mapnik. :)

I guess i have to install KDE platform, now that i have a new
computer, i hope it will install and setup easily :)


On 7/2/10, Nic Roets <nroets at gmail.com> wrote:
> I made a demonstration of how the yournavigation.org website can be
> embedded inside osm.org. Check it out:
> http://nroets.dev.openstreetmap.org/demo/?lat=52.32796&lon=5.62046&zoom=15&layers=B000FTFT
> As you can see, it is hidden inside '+' (the layers). There are two
> reasons for this: Firstly, I did not want to make a new layout that
> will not work on small screens. Secondly it will help to make the
> computing power requirement more manageable. Once we understand user
> preferences and load levels better, we can unhide it.
> The computer it is running on (Errol) is 10 times larger than YOURS
> and can keep everything in RAM. So it is possible to find the shortest
> route from New York to California, in other words routing through the
> massive TIGER network. However, when the server becomes too busy, it
> will return partial routes (routes that start with a jump).
> The data is the current planet file. Importing a new planet file takes
> approximately 5 hours.
> The YOURS javascript is quite powerful. You can have more than 2
> points, i.e. a via point. You can drag them inside the panel to change
> their order and you can drag them on the map to reposition them. This
> demo has also helped to make YOURS more portable, so that it will be
> easier to integrate it with other OpenLayers sites.
> We are still looking for a volunteer to implement driving directions.
> It is a simple, well defined job. Any computer language can be used.
> It will be nice to have i18n capabilities but any product out there
> can be used. It can also be independent of both YOURS and the current
> Gosmore routing engine, so it can have a life of it's own. There is a
> little bit of 2D geometry involved, but we will help with the
> formulas.
> Lambertus pointed out that some bicycles routes take strange detours
> when the fastest option is chosen. I know what the problem is and I'll
> fix it shortly.
> Regards,
> Nic
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