February 2023 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Feb 1 05:03:05 GMT 2023
Ending: Mon Feb 27 09:53:30 GMT 2023
Messages: 48
- [marble] [Bug 318075] Marble crashes on startup
Peter Brecke
- [marble] [Bug 466512] New: Marble crashed when zooming in OMS
- [marble] [Bug 436379] Earth is Not a Globe....Go for (Flat) Earth version 1.0 ;)
Nicolas Fella
- [marble] [Bug 465459] A big failure
Nicolas Fella
- [marble] [Bug 466220] New: App crashes when starting, no download from google playstore
Thomas Fritschi
- [marble] [Bug 465727] New: Doubt about i18n singular forms in src/lib/marble/declarative/Placemark.cpp
Oliver Kellogg
- [marble] [Bug 318075] Marble crashes on startup
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 278518] maemo: search nearby poi's requires knowing area name
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 300451] disputed boundary between India and Pakistan
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 313224] the gps disapeart
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 314482] [Patch] loading of gpx files does not work
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 316974] bad habit of MARBLE deleting all offline map tiles with very high processor load
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 318393] Marble can not save center position and zoom in QML application
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 318659] First (fast) movement goes to wrong direction
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 325168] Different maximumTileLevel entries for layers in DGML files are not respected
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 326693] Settings for default zoom level on N900 in guidance mode
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 328762] message in src/apps/marble-kde/marble_part.cpp:466 is not correct and missleading
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 329364] routingManager not exported in Python bindings
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 329407] Marble.GeoPainter does not overload drawLine(Marble.GeoDataCoordinates, Marble.GeoDataCoordinates)
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 337990] MapScaleFloatItem is highly unintuitive for flat maps
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 338363] Time-driven video capture does not work when chosen to be recorded normally (not directly from tours)
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 338986] I am trying to use Marble using QML in my Qt5 App. Unfortunately I get a crash
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 330823] Incorrect Geological data on map. Wrong city in Northern Ireland.
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 337885] Scrolling in the Routing module isn't possible
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 339115] Via points adding causes slow interface.
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 259252] marble widgets plugin for QtDesigner are not installer in the right directory
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 324869] Map adjustment setting not saved; pair with Position Tracking?
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 329432] Marble Python Bindings do not compile on Master
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 331355] State field in the data sheet for a city remains empty.
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 333305] Marble Declarative Data Layers do not show dynamical changes in its models
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 334994] "Hamburg, Germany" is defined 3x
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 329731] Weather plugin shows hardcoded credit info
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 337845] OSM license has been changed quite a while ago
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 338040] Elevation plug-in issues - bad data &/or calculation &/or display?
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 324866] Routing info box has GPS toggle with useless defaults
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 326687] Voice guidance does not over-ride N900 media playback
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 338550] Out-of-date data
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 307263] missing state boundaries: Montenegro, Kosovo, South Sudan
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 330823] Incorrect Geological data on map. Wrong city in Northern Ireland.
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 337885] Scrolling in the Routing module isn't possible
Bug Janitor Service
- [marble] [Bug 466398] New: Running Marble 2.2.0 on Windows 7. Any map (sat, geo, pol, OSM...) gives a super low resolution, not being able to properly see anything. See examples: https://imgur.com/a/GWFyWs2 - Installed OpenSSL just in case, and no results
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [marble] [Bug 466398] Marble 2.2.0 on Windows 7: Any map (sat, geo, pol, OSM...) gives a super low resolution, not being able to properly see anything. See examples: https://imgur.com/a/GWFyWs2 - Installed OpenSSL just in case, and no results
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [marble] [Bug 466398] Marble 2.2.0 on Windows 7: Any map (sat, geo, pol, OSM...) gives a super low resolution, not being able to properly see anything. See examples: https://imgur.com/a/GWFyWs2 - Installed OpenSSL just in case, and no results
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [marble] [Bug 466398] Marble 2.2.0 on Windows 7: Any map (sat, geo, pol, OSM...) gives a super low resolution, not being able to properly see anything. See examples: https://imgur.com/a/GWFyWs2 - Installed OpenSSL just in case, and no results
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [marble] [Bug 466398] Marble 2.2.0 on Windows 7: Any map (sat, geo, pol, OSM...) gives a super low resolution, not being able to properly see anything. See examples: https://imgur.com/a/GWFyWs2 - Installed OpenSSL just in case, and no results
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [marble] [Bug 466398] Marble 2.2.0 on Windows 7: Any map (sat, geo, pol, OSM...) gives a super low resolution, not being able to properly see anything. See examples attached. Installed OpenSSL just in case, and no results
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [marble] [Bug 441329] Marble Maps mobile app: "Vector OSM" map does not honor Plasma Mobile screen scaling, renders only in upper left corner
- [marble] [Bug 465459] New: A big failure
Last message date:
Mon Feb 27 09:53:30 GMT 2023
Archived on: Mon Feb 27 09:53:41 GMT 2023
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