I need some help with Kate

Christoph Cullmann christoph at cullmann.io
Fri Sep 25 11:57:35 BST 2020

On 2020-09-25 12:40, Kåre Särs wrote:
> Hello,
> On Friday, 25 September 2020 10.28.28 EEST Alexander Zhigalin wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Could you take a screenshot?
> I think it is a known "feature"... The icons that Kate uses are 
> compiled in
> through a qrc file and at the moment only the breeze light theme icons 
> are
> included... That was the situation the last time this came up. I think 
> there
> has been some thought of how to solve it, but I do not know how much 
> closer we
> are to a solution...

I have some patch around that changes breeze icons to a library and 
tries to
toggle between light & dark, but not a lot feedback/testing was given


> /Kåre
>> 25.09.2020, 09:21, "Cipheroid_" <cipheroid at gmail.com>:
>> I have been trying out the text editor for Windows 10 on the latest 
>> nightly
>> build and enjoyed a majority of what is available including the dark 
>> theme,
>> but the icons appear nearly invisible after changing the color scheme 
>> of
>> the menu to dark. I was wondering if something can be done to make the
>> icons white so they can be readable again
>> --
>> Alexander Zhigalin — G.T.S. srl
>> ———————————————————————————————————————————
>> Email: a.zhigalin at gts.it
>> Cell: +39 380 593 0050
>> Tel:  +39 019 294 0240
>> Fax:  +39 019 924 1167

Ignorance is bliss...
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