kate lsp client plugin

Christoph Cullmann christoph at cullmann.io
Mon Jul 1 19:57:05 BST 2019

On 2019-07-01 19:57, Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> Hi,
>>> I pushed some additional commits in the meantime to support some more
>>> LSP features.  Some other tweaks in server management are pending, 
>>> and
>>> will next be looking into making some (server) configuration not so
>>> hard-coded as it is now.  That will probably (at least for now) refer
>>> to some (external) JSON, since the protocol ('initialize' settings)
>>> are JSON anyway, and so are kate's project settings (which might 
>>> later
>>> provide additional/override settings), or compile_commands.json (so
>>> plenty of that around already) ...
>> Having the stuff configurable would already by great, JSON seems like 
>> a natural
>> choice given it's use everywhere in LSP.
> I played a bit more with the plugin.
> The Python stuff seems to work fine for the normal things out of the 
> box, nice!
> For C++, I think one issue is, that the baseDir of the project is used,
> even for e.g. the CMake generated .kateproject files, were the
> compilation database
> will be in the directory of the .kateproject file but not the base dir.

;=) Here a patch to choose the right dir + a hack to make clangd use it 
for compile database.

With this I get a fully working completion and co. for e.g. kate.git's 
CMake generated project.

I assume that initializationOptions JSON stuff is what you talked about 
to make configurable, or?


Ignorance is bliss...
https://cullmann.io | https://kate-editor.org
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