D18083: Search plugin: Extend tooltip for the Regular Expressions switch

Kåre Särs noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Jan 13 16:44:10 GMT 2019

sars added a comment.

  My personal taste would be to only have a small tool-tip saying: See the "Add.." context menu entry for regular expression help.
  The search plugin is already cluttered with a lot of buttons...


> plugin_search.cpp:58
> -static QUrl localFileDirUp (const QUrl &url)
> +namespace
> +{

I prefer static functions over unnamed namespaces as you immediately see the static declaration, while functions in a namespace can be far away from the namespace keyword.

Besides this change is unrelated to the functionality change.

> plugin_search.cpp:461
>      m_ui.searchCombo->setMaxCount(25);
> +    QAction* searchComboActionForInsertRegexButton = m_ui.searchCombo->lineEdit()->addAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("code-context")), QLineEdit::TrailingPosition);
> +    connect(searchComboActionForInsertRegexButton, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() {

Note that this icon is not available with gnome icon theme. you need to specify that Kate depends on Breeze icon theme and actually have it installed to get this icon...

  R40 Kate


To: gregormi, #kate
Cc: dhaumann, loh.tar, sars, kwrite-devel, hase, michaelh, ngraham, demsking, cullmann
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