[Kwintv] Snapshots (no, not those kind...)

Dirk Ziegelmeier dziegel at gmx.de
Wed Mar 10 19:34:32 CET 2004

On Tuesday 09 March 2004 00:04, George Staikos wrote:
> I'd like to start making _release_ snapshots of qtvision.  It's getting
> quite good thanks primarily to Dirk's great work.  I still don't have much
> coding time, but I think we need to migrate the users out there to qtvision
> now, and I can help with some of the packaging.  Once we approach a 1.0
> release, we can move into kdeextragear and completely wipe out the old CVS
> trees in kdenonbeta.  Maybe we'll even attract more developers! :-)  I also
> want to split kvideoio out and put it in kdemultimedia when we can commit
> to API stability.  The big question is, does everyone agree that we should
> change the executable name and strings in CVS to KWinTV now? I don't think
> the old code is worth anything anymore in comparison.  The only feature we
> lack is recording, and the old recording code wasn't all that special
> anyway.   The second question is, does anyone volunteer to do it? :)

I think we are nearly ready for beta releases. My open points before a release 

1) Rename to kdetv. I thought that was decided a some weeks ago, and we should 
of course do it before releasing to avoid confusion

2) kvideoio is OK, expect that scaling support should be removed, because it 
has nothing to do with video_IO_.

3) Move to kdeextragear and reorganize structure (as I posted in January) I 
can fix the repository after the move and rename.


1) Video mode changing for fullscreen overlay can be done, XRANDR is a clean 
way to do it, but I don't think it is worth the effort. We should rather find 
the cause of the slowdowns for grab+display mode. Usually the PC is idle when 
you watch TV _fullscreen_.

2) Saving picture settings per channel is already on the TODO, I also think it 

3) RMB channel editing from the sidebar is a good idea. I was also annoyed by 
it. Is it enough to have the channel editor available as a seperate top level 
window (action)?

4) Should we resolve symlinks for device detection or should I just 
remove /dev/video from the search list since they are always symlinks?

5) Always on top: I'll have a look at it again.


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