[Kwintv] Snapshots (no, not those kind...)

George Staikos staikos at kde.org
Tue Mar 9 00:04:13 CET 2004

I'd like to start making _release_ snapshots of qtvision.  It's getting quite 
good thanks primarily to Dirk's great work.  I still don't have much coding 
time, but I think we need to migrate the users out there to qtvision now, and 
I can help with some of the packaging.  Once we approach a 1.0 release, we 
can move into kdeextragear and completely wipe out the old CVS trees in 
kdenonbeta.  Maybe we'll even attract more developers! :-)  I also want to 
split kvideoio out and put it in kdemultimedia when we can commit to API 
stability.  The big question is, does everyone agree that we should change 
the executable name and strings in CVS to KWinTV now? I don't think the old 
code is worth anything anymore in comparison.  The only feature we lack is 
recording, and the old recording code wasn't all that special anyway.   The 
second question is, does anyone volunteer to do it? :)

George Staikos
KDE Developer				http://www.kde.org/
Staikos Computing Services Inc.		http://www.staikos.net/

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