[Kwintv] vbi updating

Dirk Ziegelmeier dziegel at gmx.de
Sat Jan 31 10:16:03 CET 2004

On Wednesday 28 January 2004 07:51, Zack Rusin wrote:
> I'd commit this but I'm really tired right now and I'd appreciate if
> someone could take a look at it so that I can comfortably commit it
> tomorrow morning.
> In general it's like I said it would be in the last email. With a small
> difference in that instead of passing an enum it just passes a bool
> userSet to setName which specifies whether the name was program or user
> set. If it was user set it's never changed by the program, if it was
> set by the program it's updated when new data comes.
I've been running qtv with your patch for a few days and unfortunately noticed 
problems. Because the vbidecoder runs in a seperate thread, it may happen 
that a station name signal is emitted after a channel change with the name of 
the previous channel. The new channel's name will then be overwritten with 
that of the previous one. This is likely to happen when quickly zapping 
through channels - for me, it messed up my channel file.
As much as I like the idea, please don't apply the patch :-(((


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