[Kwintv] vbi updating

Dirk Ziegelmeier dziegel at gmx.de
Wed Jan 28 20:29:49 CET 2004

On Wednesday 28 January 2004 07:51, Zack Rusin wrote:
> Hey,
> I'd commit this but I'm really tired right now and I'd appreciate if
> someone could take a look at it so that I can comfortably commit it
> tomorrow morning.
> In general it's like I said it would be in the last email. With a small
> difference in that instead of passing an enum it just passes a bool
> userSet to setName which specifies whether the name was program or user
> set. If it was user set it's never changed by the program, if it was
> set by the program it's updated when new data comes.
I like it that way, except for the default setting of "UserSet = false". I 
gave several channels my own names for various reasons (we have frequencies 
that have different stations depending on daytime, some station names are 
long "SW3 Baden-Württemberg" and were substituted by shorter ones "SW3"). 
Your patch just overwrites all my manually set names... not very 
backward-compatible ;-) I think the default setting should be changed, but I 
can also live with the current setting. Just hope none is seriously annoyed 
by it.


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