[Kwintv] Starting an QtVision FAQ...

Stefan Hellwig stefan at stefanhellwig.de
Sat Sep 20 12:36:49 CEST 2003


On Saturday 20 September 2003 10:40, Dirk Ziegelmeier wrote:
> Some info on what doesn't work in KWinTV.

Yes, good idea.

> Keyboard shortcuts don't work in fullscreen. (BTW: can someone give me a
> hint where to search for the cause?)

Hm... I'm wondering why that is because they worked before, that's at least 
what I think... If could have something to do with the focus policy, maybe 
the window doesn't get the keyboard focus in fullscreen mode somehow?!

I'll probably put a preliminary draft version of that FAQ on the website 
today so you can see it "growing" and help me working on it...

Regards, Stefan.
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