[Kwintv] stereo sound and missing icons

wim delvaux kwintv@mail.kde.org
Fri, 8 Nov 2002 01:46:30 +0100

Hi all,

Just installed KDE3 with some nice theme.
Used KDE2 before with old kwintv.

Having read the webpage and after exec-ing the instructions
on compilation i have a working KWinTV 0.8.12 CVS.

A few things missing though.

1. i have the impression that my sound is mono. At least of very
low quality.  Xawtv is find though so it MUST be a setting.  Options 
indicate that stereo sound SHOULD be active

2. Some icons are missing (mute, capture ...) I just did an install and
some png got copied.  Not all ???

3. the strings in some config boxes are not layout properly (they are too
short, overlap, trun up in strange places)

What Can I do to fix this ?