[Ktechlab-devel] Capacitor/Resistor values lockup

Lyndon Evans ldeevans at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 7 12:23:28 UTC 2006

This seems to be a race condition in doublespin.cpp, where
changing the value of the component, results in multiple messages
being sent. The lockup occurs when the value changes to one
with a decimal point (ie from 200uF to 100.0uF), resulting in lots
of messages, and corresponding updates to the control.

Putting a usleep(100) in the "checkIfChanged" function stops the lockup.

void DoubleSpinBox::checkIfChanged()
        double newValue = value();


        if ( m_lastEmittedValue == newValue )

        m_lastEmittedValue = newValue;
        emit valueChanged( m_lastEmittedValue );


>From: Jochen Georges <jochengeorges at yahoo.de>
>Reply-To: jochengeorges at yahoo.de
>To: ktechlab-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
>Subject: Re: [Ktechlab-devel] Capacitor/Resistor values lockup
>Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 19:24:31 +0000
>Am Sonntag, 2. April 2006 15:05 schrieb Lyndon Evans:
> > Hi folks,
> > I have installed V0.3, both from RPM for Fedora Core 4 and compiled from
> > source.
> > Setting a capacitor value to <=100uF or (not so importantly) a resistor
> > value to <=100uOhm
> > (u=micro) locks up the whole application.
> > I hope there is a fix for this, for this most excellect program.
>on the 13.03.2006 I wrote the same, but I got no answer.
>I wonder, Ktechlab is a cool program, but the mailnglist is so quiet.
>Beste Grüße
>### the mail from 13.03.2006 :
>while trying to set the capacity of a capacitor to
>10 * 0.000 001 Farad
>ktechlab crashes.
>This is reproducible.
>while trying to set the resistance of a resostor to
>10 * 0.000 001 Ohm
>ktechlab crashes.
>This is reproducible.
>Beste Grüße
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