[Kstars-devel] Question regarding KStars Lite

Artem Fedoskin afedoskin3 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 19:08:57 UTC 2016

Dear developers of KStars,

while designing proposal for KStars Lite project I got some questions and
any suggestions are much appreciated.

To implement SkyMap in Lite version I plan to use Qt Quick Scene instead of
QPainter. Qt Quick Scene offers much faster rendering on both mobile
platforms and desktops. Also, there is a great article
from one member of Plasma team describing the benefits and problems of
moving Plasma to QML.

My question is how big should be the difference in codebase between KStars
for desktops and KStars Lite? Existing drawing code and a lot of other
things that are done in imperative way will suit very bad declarative way
of Qt Quick Scene Graph.

For example: to implement Sky Map I'm planning to create new SkyMapLite
class, which has to be independent from existing SkyMap, as SkyMap uses
QWidget and QPainter for painting. By doing that, I have to make some
changes in KStarsData class and of course KStars Lite will use completely
new KStarsLite class for initialization instead of KStars.

To display SkyComponents on SkyMapLite I'm planning to subclass each of the
SkyComponents children like SolarSystemSingleComponent, StarComponent, etc.
to combine their methods for calculating the position and providing drawing
facilities for Qt Quick Scene.

Also I would be very grateful to hear some suggestions regarding UI. In
your opinion what are the best astronomy apps for mobile platforms?

Apologize for such questions, but integrating such big changes in an
existing project can be very tricky.

Regards, Artem
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