<div dir="ltr"><p>Dear developers of <span class="" title="The second letter should probably be lower case.">KStars</span>,</p><p>while designing proposal for <span title="" class="">KStars</span> Lite project I got some questions and any suggestions are much appreciated.</p><p>To implement <span class="" title="Sky Map, Sky-Map, Skimp, Skycap, Scamp, Skimpy">SkyMap</span> in Lite version I plan to use Qt Quick Scene instead of <span class="" title="The second letter should probably be lower case.">QPainter</span>.
Qt Quick Scene offers much faster rendering on both mobile platforms
and desktops. Also, there is a great <a href="http://vizzzion.org/blog/2012/09/randa-meetings-2012-the-future-of-qgraphicsview-in-plasma/">article</a> from one member of Plasma
team describing the benefits and problems of moving Plasma to <span title="" class="">QML.</span></p><p>My question is how big should be the difference in <span title="" class="">codebase</span> between <span class="" title="The second letter should probably be lower case.">KStars</span> for desktops and <span title="" class="">KStars</span>
Lite? Existing drawing code and a lot of other things that are done in
imperative way will suit very bad declarative way of Qt Quick Scene
Graph.</p><p>For example: to implement Sky Map I'm planning to create new <span title="" class="">SkyMapLite</span> class, which has to be independent from existing <span class="" title="Sky Map, Sky-Map, Skimp, Skycap, Scamp, Skimpy">SkyMap,</span> as <span class="" title="Sky Map, Sky-Map, Skimp, Skycap, Scamp, Skimpy">SkyMap</span> uses <span title="" class="">QWidget</span> and <span class="" title="The second letter should probably be lower case.">QPainter</span> for painting. By doing that, I have to make some changes in <span title="" class="">KStarsData</span> class and of course <span class="" title="The second letter should probably be lower case.">KStars</span> Lite will use completely new <span class="" title="Starlit, Starlet, Satellite, Starlight, Stability, Sterility, Startled, Gestalt, Distaste">KStarsLite</span> class for initialization instead of <span class="" title="The second letter should probably be lower case.">KStars</span>.</p><p>To display <span class="" title="Sky Objects, Sky-Objects, Subjects, Subject's, Subjugates">SkyComponents</span> on <span class="" title="Skimpily, Sampled, Complete, Skimped, Skimpiest, Complied, Completer">SkyMapLite</span> I'm planning to subclass each of the <span class="" title="Sky Components, Sky-Components, Components, Component's">SkyComponents</span> children like <span class="" title="">SolarSystemSingleComponent,</span> <span class="" title="Star Component, Star-Component, Component, Decampment, Stagnant">StarComponent,</span> etc. to combine their methods for calculating the position and providing drawing facilities for Qt Quick Scene.</p><p>Also I would be very grateful to hear some suggestions regarding <span class="" title="II, I, U, UPI, UZI, UNI, AI, UR, OI, UH, DUI, GUI, HUI, SUI, UK, UL, UN, US, UT, UV, UM, UP, BI, CI, DI, GI, HI, LI, MI, NI, RI, SI, TI, VI, WI, PI, XI, U'S">UI.</span> In your opinion what are the best astronomy apps for mobile platforms?</p><p>Apologize for such <span title="" class="">questions, but integrating</span> such big changes in an existing project can be very tricky.</p><p>Regards, <span class="" title="Art em, Art-em, ATM, Atom, Item, Airtime, Artie, Stem, Art, Artemis, Arm, Ate, Artier, Adm, Artery, Arty, Ahem, Arts, Arum, Adam, Idem, Armed, Art's, Artie's">Artem</span></p></div>