[Kstars-devel] GSoC projects: please prefer #kde-kstars / kstars-devel ML for discussions

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Wed May 27 07:22:20 UTC 2015

Dear colleagues,

I was advised by one of the GSoC admins for KDE that we must try and
keep discussions pertaining to the GSoC projects to channels largely
visible to the KDE / KStars community, like #kde-kstars IRC channel,
and the kstars-devel mailing list, just as we do with non-GSoC
development discussions. This serves multiple purposes:
1. All of us know what development is happening and are made more
acquainted with the project (especially will help in case I have to
back-up for Jasem when he's not available later in the summer on the
Ekos project)
2. GSoC is an introduction to open source development, and as part of
it, it is important for our students to learn to use the right
channels of communication, just as they would post GSoC.

Jasem, it would also help me if you could brief me a bit on Daniel's
project, so that I know what I might need to do when you're in this
part of the world. :-)

Thank you.


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