[Kstars-devel] On the popularity of KStars

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 21:51:29 UTC 2013

Hi Bogdan

Thanks for your reply

> Perhaps because it's tied to a specific platform? I mean not just
> Linux, but KDE. As far as I know, it's a bit hard to discover if you
> are not already a Linuxite.

I agree that's part of the reason. I think that will be something that
will go away with KDE Frameworks 5, when the dependencies will be
broken down significantly. I don't think it's worth doing anything
about it until we move to KDE 5.

> There's also the effect that popularity tends to perpetuate itself -
> once a product reaches a certain threshold, people start recommending
> it to others. KStars is just not that well-known.

That's true. The critical point of positive feedback. I don't know how
we can fix this.

Any ideas on popularization?

Also, I sometimes wonder if we have too many bugs to make it a good
software. I also think the software might not be very user
friendly. I'm looking for inputs on these things -- what are crucial
bugs to fix? What can be done to make the interface more
user-friendly? Are these things important, or is some sort of rampant
publicity more important?


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